I'm a bit of a dinosaur really. Not that tech savy. But, I have been blogging for 4 years now and I've fallen victim to other "Social Networking" services. I have a FaceBook, but not associated with this blog, that's just for friends and family. I have a MySpace page for this blog, but I'm not too active on there, except my addiction to the stupid games. And now I've signed up for Twitter? I don't have a mobile device. I have a cell phone, hell I have two, one for me and one for my job ( the real job that pays the bills.) But there are a couple of people or networks I'd like to "follow." I'm interested now in the Fiesta Movement, after the car was stolen.
Slowly I evolve? If anyone wants to "tweet" at me, it's myforddreams look me up?
This was what pushed me over http://mashable.com/2009/05/18/ford-social-media/
My we are coming around to the younger generation like me, wait I'm 29 going on 30 in 3 months.
Anyway I blog, use Twitter (Racedriven) and have a MySpace account (of course the Myspace is for high school friends, comedy, country music stars and being a fan of something), no Facebook I have to draw the line somewhere and you are accepting advertsiers wow.
By the way, don't setup your mobile phone with twitter, its a waste of money, I did it and wasn't worth it, just use the website and get a program like TweetDeck so you don't have to login to tweet.
Little by little I evolve.
I had never been on the Internet until 1999. I'm not that old, only 44, but I feel too old for some of this. But blogging for 4 years I'm learning bit by bit.
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