We've all read how they posted much lower losses than expected and how that in turn resulted in a bit of a rise on their stock price. If I had money to invest, which I don't, I'd buy Ford stock.
For two reasons, first I think it's a sound investment and secondly to show support for the only Domestic automaker that didn't need a bailout.
Ford's product mix and quality are both improved over previous years.
We can finally see some of the great overseas models here in the US.
Igor, a frequent commentor here and an avid Ford fanatic, has left comments saying that we can expect the Kuga as the replacement of the Escape and even gives guesses on powertrains. He also has words on Mustang and EcoBoost. Normally I would consider such comments to be just wishful thinking, but he's been guessing very well, if it is guessing.
So, Ford looks like a viable proposition moving forward. And what about MyFordDreams?
Well, I've been dealing with a lot of personal issues over the last year and I'm feeling that I may actually be able to get back in the game. I'll never bee AutoBlog or Jalopnik, but I'll be getting back into the swing of things soon.
I've had many interested parties try and contact me about advertising on the blog. If anyone is interested in sending me a proposal, they can email me at myforddreams@aol.com or xltoffroad@aol.com I had been reulctant in the past, but as The Auto Prophet recently said, it won't make me rich, but it could pay for a new camera or other blog related expense.
I'd appreciate your patience as I go and fix links on the side and clear house. Tags/labels will be used from now on.
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