On April 1st 2005, I sat down at my computer and started fumbling my through the blogsphere. And although I don't think many people noticed, I started to slowly learn more about blogging, computers in general, Ford Motor Company and it's partners and their products, Henry Ford and even myself. And each step during that first month was shared with any prospective readers, from how I learned to add links and then later photos, and on to my strong opinions about Ford and it's past, present and future.

It's been great, I've had the opportunity to learn so much, and have my say. I've met (online) so many interesting people that I've come to respect, bloggers that have been very helpful and some faithful readers that will correct me when I'm wrong and have strong opinions of their own. MyFordDreams is not big, that's for sure, but it's become more than I could have dreamed and I'm very proud of what I do. I may not be very good, God knows I am not the greatest typist and not very technically knowledgable, but I get by. I would say that I have about 30 regular readers and average about 100 hits a day, so I'm not AutoBlog or Jalopnik, but I'm amazed how far flung some of my readers are. I'm a New Yorker, and I have readers and commentors from as far away as Brisbane Australia ( Hi Ben!) and Belgium ( Hi Phil!) and of course much more local like my Mom and brothers.

My Ford Dreams has evolved over it's first year, and I'm hoping that I can do myself proud, and maybe entertain and inform a handful of readers. But the main purpose of this Blog as it has always been from the begining is to hopefully get the attention of Ford Motor Company and have my say on the state of their products. Because when you boil it all down, that's what it's about the Cars. Yes I've gone a little astray over the year, but I'm only human.
I have tried to diversify a little with 2 new blogs;
www.nonforddreams.blogspot.com and
www.alternativefueluniverse.blogspot.com But MyFordDreams will continue to be my main focus.
1 comment:
Hey Bob, thanks, I never thought I would last this long. But I plan to keep on doing it until I can't.
As for Sundays, my brother complains that I don't post on weekends, so I guess there's at least on person who does read about cars on Sunday.
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