I know I'm playing catch up here, but Mark Tapscott posted on this last week. Hillary Clinton ( not a fan here) and others are suggesting a return to the dreaded double nickle speed limit! For years special interest groups told us speed kills, but were proven wrong. It's not speed that kills it's stupid people and drunks. So now they're saying it will save precious fuel. That by decreasing the speed limit will help the effects of $3+ gallon gasoline.

Now I'm told by friends and associates that Hillary is doing good for New York, and I'm not a political pundit, lack the depth for that. So I'm not here to criticize anything but the return to the 55 mph speed limit. Anyone who has to drive any moderate to long trip knows that 55 mpg doesn't save a drop of gas, it's another myth. Do you want to improve fuel economy on the highway? Make sure your tires are inflated to the propper pressure, clean and wax your car once in a while, and don't mash the pedal smoothly accelerate and if possible use your cruise control. Common sense will save you money at the pump and lives on the highway.

Now I know that some will think that I'm picking on poor Hillary by posting these unflattering pictures, but I'm not it's called a sense of humor, get one.
I beg to differ on your comment that doing 55 doesn't get you better mileage. All our highways up here in the north are 100k/60mph. Now when I'm driving north to go camping or to the cottage I keep my speed to 100k, in my ZX3 I'm about 2500RPM. Now if I do that trip at 110k I sit at 3000RPM. I can get over 600K on 40 liters at 100k but at 110k I get around 500k +/- 30K. although if I am doing short trips, say 10-20min I would like to have the option of doing more than 100k,somwhere around 140k/90mph. In Quebec they post 60kmin/100kmax, now if it was 80kmin/140max, would be nice but I would like to see more policing of lanes, and more discipline from drivers to make this happen.
Jeez, you had to go metric on me huh? Ok, maybe it does save a little gas, but not enough to matter to me. I recently took a trip down to Maryland from NYC area and averaged speeds around 65-75 mph and averaged 33mpg in a car rated at 32mph highway. So I guess if I kept it to 55 mph, I might have achieved 34 mpg. Not enough to matter to me. And the boredome of going only 55 mph would have landed me in a ditch anyway.
At 75 mph in 5th gear my 3 was just 3000 rpm. Well at least you didn't try and give me grief about Hillary.
GREAT blog!!
I too disagree on the issue of lower speeds and better mileage. Of course it's not the solution but until there is one, it's a good practice. I see the vast majority of cars with only one person at the wheel and no passengers. Conservation on fuel (or just about anything else) is simply not the American Way, and the price will continue to esculate.
As to the the x-first lady and future US 1st female president.
She is one smart but very ugly woman and will prove to be one of the nations most incompetent leaders. But hey, we have very low expectations in this country and competency is not a requirement at most levels of politics or even business. Just look at Ford for a great example of what poor leadership can do.
Dotty Gale, well at least that's out of the way. I was wondering if someone would come to poor Hillary's defense.
The post really isn't about her though, I thought it would be funny to poke a little fun.
I've read some articles supporting what she says, and will check the government website that you pointed to. Thank you.
But I'm still strongly against a return to 55 mph. As you know "I can't drive 55!" Wow that hurt, I hate Hagar! But it's true, how many long trips have we taken where we've bumped the century mark safely ?
My union supports Hillary with donations that come out of my paycheck, so I feel I can give here a little jab every now and then.
And I've never worried about looking like a "Fool" it's not as if I'm writing for the New York Times, I'm a guy with a blog, no more.
But I do think that Alternative Fuel Technology is a better answer. Did you read Lieberman's Op Ed piece? What do you think of that?
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