saw this car three weeks ago! It is in the National Automotive and Truck Museum of the United States in Auburn Indiana. This museum is behind the Auburn Cord Duesenburg Museum. The website is http://www.natmus.com/, although no photo of the Mustang on site. I have some pictures that I took of it though.
I'd really appreciate if Mercury guy would share those pics with us, maybe post them on his new blog that he's starting? But now we know where the Curtiss Wankel Rotary powered Mustang is.
Well, you you could tell me how to go about it, I can share pics with you. New to the blog thing. The pictures I took are in hires mode, so file size is a bit large, 7 pics ranging from 366k to 593k each.
Also, since I had to start an account to post, I started a blog called Montego madness, which will be dedicated to my newly purchased 69 montego MX. Nothing on the blog yet, and it my be a little while before I have time, but check from time to time, I will put pics up as work starts to progress.
WEll I figured out how to post the pics to my blog, they are there now... http://montegomadness.blogspot.com/
Mercury Guy, that's all great news, I'll have to check your blog and check out your pics. I'll also have to add a link to your blog so others can see them and check progress with your new project.
The 68-69 Montego MX is one of my favorite cars ever. My dad had one years ago, a 2 door red with black vynl top and interior.
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