In an all too familiar fashion Ford dealers, SVT or otherwise are salivating over the chance to charge outlandish premiums for their alloted GT500. And if a customer complains, tough there's another buyer who will pony up the extra cash. We've seen it with every hot car over the last decade, and especially from abused Ford dealers in recent years. The new Thunderbird, Mustang GT and GT supercar are the most recent examples. And now with E-Bay and other non-traditional sales outlets Dealers are going to squeeze every cent of profit out of these "Hot models" until they cool off like the Thunderbird or supply reaches demand like the Mustang. See for yourself, look in the back of AutoWeek or on E-Bay, there are always ads for GTs and even still the ocassional Mustang GT.
I would wager that we'll see auctions and ads for the GT500s long before one ever hits a dealer's floor. Some dealers may have already made a tentative deal for their allotted unit.
It's a shame, but it's the reality of the business.
UPDATE: E-Bay autctions found at Jalpnik
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