So, at least 2 Fiestas are MIA, the one stolen from Brooklyn and now another.
I had read a couple of days ago that the Brooklyn Fiesta was found in DC, but SM of the Fiesta Movement said on Twitter that the DC car was a different Agent's. So, does that mean there's 2 stolen Fiestas? What about the GPS tracking?
In my youth I knew some shady fellas, long before Lo-Jack or GPS of any kind. And these fellas, who I haven't spoken to in 25 years and knew only cassually, would brag that could boost a car and get it to Port Elizabeth, where it would be shipped out to Latin America in a matter of days.
So, do you think Hugo Chavez is tooling around in one of these stolen Fiestas?
So, do you think Hugo Chavez is tooling around in one of these stolen Fiestas?
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